I P S A 


Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
Empowering Students, changing our world

About the IPSA
Meeting Minutes
Welcome to the web page for the Idaho Progressive Student Alliance.  The IPSA exists to give students the information, training and opportunity they need to create a better society. 

We hope that this site will better acquaint you to the IPSA.  Here, you can read about the IPSA's philosophies and goals, peruse meeting minutes to learn about our daily activities, download literature and posters we have used in the past and will be using in the future, look at our scrapbook of past activities, buy IPSA gear and learn about our friends and allies.  As you can see, a text index has appeared to the left.  You can use it to jump to different spots within this sub-site.  

Feel free to look around and please contact us with any questions.  


To contact us:
Email: salliance@hotmail.com
Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
c/o Student Activities Office
Boise State University
1910 University Ave.
Boise, ID 83725-1335


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